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Health Services



Required Immunizations - A&M Consolidated Middle School

Georgia Law requires all public school students to have an up to date Georgia Immunization Form 3231 unless the student has an exemption. Vaccination requirements for students entering schools in Georgia are as follows: Haemophilus influenzae type B (not required on or after the fifth birthday); hepatitis A; hepatitis B; measles; meningitis; mumps; pertussis (whooping cough); pneumococcal (not required on or after the fifth birthday); poliomyelitis; rubella (German measles); tetanus; and varicella (chickenpox).

Contact your Primary Care Physician, Clayton County Board of Health (678-610-7199), or the School-Based Health Center at North Clayton High School (678-426-2800) for an appointment to meet this Georgia Public School requirement before school starts.

All students are expected to participate in virtual learning beginning on August 10, 2020, as parents/guardians ensure immunizations are current. Should the district return to face-to-face instruction, students without a current immunization record will not be able to enter the school.  If you have provided the Georgia Immunization Form 3231 and your child’s immunizations are current, we appreciate your cooperation and assure you no further action is needed.


Please submit your corrected Certificate of Immunization, Form 3231, for verification and all questions and concerns to