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Points of Pride


Point of Pride: Dance Dawgs Score High

Description: Our Dance Dawgs were the highest scoring middle school team at Stillwell’s Dance Invitational  

Impact: It fosters hard work by showing the students that practice and applying yourself will help them succeed. 




Point of Pride: Athletic Champions

Description: Our 2023-2024 Girls Flag Football team and Girls Basketball team won the County Championship.

Impact: Shows that teamwork, camaraderie, and healthy competition is a powerful force for positive change. 





Point of Pride: STEM Grant awarded

Description: Babb was the recipient of a STEM grant from Delta Community Credit Union

Impact: Allows for more resources and therefore increases students creativity and curiosity in STEM. 





Point of Pride: National FCCLA STAR Events and Leadership

DescriptionHard word paid off for five of our scholars who flew to Seattle to compete in the National Leadership conference. Gold medal was won for Repurpose and Redesign! Silver medal was won for the Sustainability Challenge. 

Impact: This event exposes students to work-based learning as well as business and industry experiences. Also provides scholarship opportunities for our scholars.